

The greatest thrill anyone could possibly experience is

that of being an active transvestite. This is my candid opinion The wonderful feeling of "being" a woman, and really being ack- nowledged, accepted and regarded as one, is almost beyond des- cription.

My evolution into a transvestite was inevitable because of many factors, the most predominant one being my very religious parents.

While I was very young (about five or six), my parents in- stilled in me an awful fear that God would punish all the evil or bad people in the world. This fear became such an obsession with me that I became fearful of anything that was "wicked" or "bad".

To my (then) young mind, most boys were "bad" because they were disobedient at home as well as in school; they cursed and used foul language; they were mostly dirty and untidy in appear- ance, in their manners and language; they made a mockery of any- thing "good" or virtuous or religious. Most boys thought that to be "good" was to be a "sissy", and anyone who was a "sissy" deserved to be ridiculed and pushed around by the tough, "bad" boys.

At the same time, (my young mind perceived) most girls were "good" and obedient, were never "rough" or "tough"; they would never dare to curse or use foul language. Girls were al- ways clean, neat, pretty and pleasant in appearance and manners. They were virtuous and beautiful and had all the desirable qual- ities.

Since I was led to believe that God would punish me for being a "bad" boy, I dared not be even classed with "bad" boys-- or any boys, for that matter. It was so much easier and nicer to be classed with girls and to be with them as much as possible Therefore, during all my formative years, I avoided all "bad" or "rough" boys. I never participated in any boys' games, such as baseball, football, basketball, etc., but played mostly with girls. I began to like girls so much that I would often pray